Yeah people, it's the same word you know GRATITUDE
I just put a little twist on this one.

Gratitude the way you know it means showing appreciation or a state of being thankful.....

In the world that we live in today, we are plagued by all manner of hardships and challenges.

Depression seems to be hanging like a cloak over lots of lives for very justifiable reasons.
This is evident in the staggering number of suicides, Mental ill Health's, Under achievements and lots more.....

Dear, Dear, Dear!
I'm one who enjoys and believes in "Happily ever afters" so I don't exactly enjoy recounting sad tales.....
I believe that life could be YOUR FAIRYTALE and that there is a Magic wand called GRATITUDE.

So Beautiful people, I'm going to be breaking down GRATITUDE my own way!

Here is what it is.......
GRA is a Latin prefix which means "to consent to a condition"

TUDE, a suffix which means the quality or State of a thing....

The "ART" will get explained in a sentence.

Now if I put it together I'll have gratitude to mean;
A me who "Artfully" or "creatively" consents to the condition of being happy or thankful in other to CONSCIOUSLY Improve the quality of my life.....

May be I ended up complicating issues but the point is, You actually "consent" to however you react to life and what happens to you.

Secondly you need to know that whatever your choices, positive or negative, will certainly affect the quality of your life!

That said,
The place of GRATITUDE cannot be overemphasized.
Gratitude is actually the MOST UNDERUTILIZED tool in Nature's Armoury and especially when things don't feel right!
If we can just look away from our challenges one bit.

Gratitude may not be an instant "cure all" tool but will certainly guarantee a Better and Healthier approach to living!

Gratitude is being THANKFUL for a chance to MASTER the ART called life....

Gratitude is your chance to get the "more" that you deserve from life......

Gratitude is your Persuasion on life not to kick you out.....

Gratitude is your realization that life is a chance to go beyond your challenge to give to people around you what they perhaps will never be able to get for themselves.....

Gratitude is your chance at making better and positive choices.....

Gratitude is the force that makes you want to push yourself from the ground believing that challenges are there to help you build capacity .......

Gratitude makes you want to WIN, pushing till you become your best......

Gratitude changes how you think, how you see people, how you approach situations and ultimately how to CELEBRATE BOTH BIG AND SMALL WINS!

GRATITUDE starts with your realization that Life is not a competition to win or lose, but a party to CELEBRATE this beautiful process of living!

Yes Sweetie,
I'm not left out of the guilt of grumpiness sometimes and my fair share of small depressions so I can tell you I'm writing for myself too.

Gratitude is truthfully not an instant thing, it won't happen in one day, however you can choose how the speed at which you achieve the attitude of GRATITUDE.

It does take practice and consistency so I'm going to show you how I ensure to stay grateful.....

Trust me when I say you were born for the very moment where you are!

Stick with me on this one as I continue the series tomorrow with sure skills that can help you stay positive and grateful!

Until then,

Your Fragile Giant!

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