This is one principle I have applied for as long as the zest for personal development has dawn on me, periodically of course, and it works!

I'm usually one person unable to live with crowded environments or circumstances for too long. As a matter of fact it's safe to say I'm a pro in pulling disappearing acts now and then!

And No, this isn't seclusion as defined by psychotherapists, this has got nothing to do with mental health!

Seclusion is a Noun derived from the verb "seclude"; which typically means to withdraw, to go off the radar for a while.

To hibernate, if I'm to borrow an IT jargon!

Seclusion as a principle serves different purposes to different people; chief of which is to sit back, especially to LEARN.

Someone might ask, "you mean I should actually take some time of just for the purpose of learning?".
That certainly is a luxury I cannot afford with bills to pay, activities to catch up with,  plus razzmatazz of society!

On that note I may be willing to escort your sentiments with my heartfelt sympathy, only I will not be available as you mourn your "burn out"!

Many of us operate like crazy phone users who allow their phones to get to 10% before they start looking for how to charge. 

An upgrade in this craze is not even owning a charger, thus waiting for a friend who isn't using theirs so we can now borrow!

The question will be,
What if you are unable to find a free charger?
What if there's is no hope for power supply in sight anytime soon?

Your Guess is as good as mine!

This illustration is a picture of what many of our lives look like from year to year!

Little wonder, year after year we sit at the same level, making no progress!

Little wonder you are due for a promotion but your name keeps missing on the list.

I'm yet to find what company promotes a staff just because you are a staff; no extra skills to offer, no chance that you are exploring new horizons in the interest of organizational goals!

We dare to hypocritically hinge our blames on "not having enough time", I'm yet to see what man has more than 24hrs a day and 365days in a years as do all other humans.

We support our blatant deception as we struggle to defend our lack of productivity by claiming not to have time to learn new methodologies, but I bring you good news;


In the part of Africa where I come from we are known to  hold a" more than average"  record in religious practices, consequently we leave most things to "divine intervention" but I've got yet another goodnews;

NOT ALL THINGS ANSWER TO PRAYERS, some require your personal commitment and effort!

In case you are still lost on my drift, I have been talking about a periodic retreat from scenes so as to acquire certain trainings or upgrade your skill.

As a matter of fact, it is IRRESPONSIBILITY not to upgrade your skills in the area of your interest, all it will take is that you discipline yourself just a little.

You cannot compare a man who finds time to sit in solitude to a man who keeps running like a treadmill, either to give the impression of productivity or to keep up with the Jonses.
How shallow!

I personally don't care much about being in the eye of the public as I care about spending time behind the scene for the purpose of expanding my mind.

I'm crazily in love with Back-end activities because that's where PRODUCTIONS ARE BREWED!

If your excuse is resource to undergo the much needed trainings, then you need to look around you Sweetheart, the new age has definitely made provisions for that.

All most all you need is on the internet and most are free of charge, so why are you not using it??

Once in a while, dare to turn of the spot lights in your direction and seek knowledge.

The same spot light you seem in a beautiful  Romance with will go off on it's own the moment your performance becomes clumsy.

There are two classes of people in the world, those who create problems and those who solve them.

Never forget that trained people are "on the spot" solutions and Africa, Nigeria needs more than an average performance in that area to rise in competition with her other counterparts.

It's up to you to choose what class of people you belong to!

Remember! The principle of Seclusion is not ACCIDENTAL, it's INTENTIONAL!

As always it's with lots of love,
Your Fragile Giant!

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  1. Lovely... Well spoken like sage

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you My Lady, I'm glad you found it worthwhile!

  3. Cool stuff...Keep going as the tide is definitely still rolling.

  4. No Fans. No crowd. No spectators...Thats where champions are made(english Quote)

    V.P u're Still on point

    1. 100% correct, thank you for finding this piece worth while...
